
Objective: The purpose of this work was to present a selection of factors for the upper managers of sport organizations.
Methodology: This research work was functional, and its type was survey. The subjects were all the scientific board members of the sport management department, managers of the ministry of sport and youth, and the sport federations, among which 241 were randomly selected according to the Krejcie and Morgan table. For gathering the criteria, library study, related background review, and open interview with 7 professionals were used. Then a questionnaire was designed and organized with 57 factors in addition to confirming the face and content validity in 4 stages using the Delphi technique and the comments of 5 eminent sport management masters.
Results: In the final stage, and for evaluating the structure validity using the exploratory factor analysis, the pattern was confirmed with 2 criteria (congenital, adventitious), 6 sub-criteria, and 45 factors (conceptual congenital (9 factors), human congenital (6 factors), technical congenital (7 factors), conceptual adventitious (10 factors), human adventitious (6 factors), and technical adventitious (7 factors)).
Conclusion: Using the criteria provided for selection of sport chief managers can increase the chance of organization success.
