
Objective: The purpose of the current research work was to identify the strategies and consequences of utilizing the appropriate human resources in physical education institutions of universities.
Methodology: In order to achieve this goal, the qualitative methodology and the research method of grounded theory were used, and in terms of purpose, it was an applied research. The research population included the physical education elites in college sports (including the senior executives from the physical education offices of the universities and experts from the Ministry of Sports and Youth), and the samples were taken theoretically and snowball. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview, and the data from the interviews was analyzed and coded in a context-based way.
Results: The results of the grouping of codes represented 9 main categories, 46 sub-categories, and 58 concepts that were presented in the form of a paradigmatic model including the strategies (strategic thinking, organizational transformation, and organizational innovation). The consequences, i.e. development of organization culture, organizational development, productivity, development Social, environmental category, and strategic thinking, emerged in college sports organizations.
Conclusion: Considering the range of audiences and clients of college sports that include students, staff, and professors as well as the attractive and alternative options for the existing college sports, if the custodians of college sports can not provide (via relying on human resource competencies and implementing strategies such as strategic thinking, organizational transformation, and organizational innovation) a field for the development of organizational culture, organizational development, productivity, and social development, the development of ideological thinking and focus on the environmental issues will not be able to satisfy the  consumers. Therefore, it is recommended that the top managers of college sports carry out the planned plans in order to identify and implement the necessary competencies for college sports staff and to recruit human resources based on competencies.


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