
Objective: The purpose of this work was to identify and prioritize the competency criteria of managers and sports spaces.  
Methodology: The research was a descriptive-analytical one and was conducted through survey. According to the sampling table of Morgan, 169 individuals were considered as the statistical sample.
The measurement tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Using the experts’ opinions, the validity and reliability of the questionnaire were studied and the verified exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the construct validity, and the Friedman's rank test was used to prioritize the identified criteria.
Results: The results obtained showed that job motivation, as one of the sub-components of the personality traits factor, had the most factor load (0.71), and also the ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate the factor in the management of sports facilities (0/79) as well as the knowledge of administrative affairs in the sport management factor (0/81), and finally, knowledge of technical affairs of the sport building factor had the most factor load (0.70).
Conclusion: The use of the research results and prioritization can be useful in selecting and evaluating the managers based on their competency. The managers of places and sports spaces that have the necessary competencies can play an important role in the success of the sport and promote the development of the people's attitude to sport as well as the development of health and social health.


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