
Objective: The purpose of this work was to investigate the effects of organizational rumors, perceived organizational support, and organizational discrimination on the organizational indifferences between the employees in the Physical Education departments in the Education Ministry.
Methodology: This research work was carried out by a descriptive field method. The whole employees of the Physical Education departments in the Education Ministry were the statistical population; the work was based on the Cochran’s sample size formula. In order to collect information, the organizational rumors of Moqimi and Qafari (2012), perceived organizational support questionnaire (POSQ), organizational discrimination questionnaire (ODQ), and organizational indifference questionnaire (OIQ) were used. The descriptive methods were used to analyze the data, and to determine the effects, the structural equation modeling (SEM) through the software LISREL 8.2 was used.
Results: Data analysis of the results obtained showed that the organizational rumors were effective on the perceived organizational support (pc = 0.45), organizational discrimination (pc = 0.59), and the organizational indifferences (pc = 0.43). Also, the organizational discrimination was effective on the organizational indifferences (pc = -0.39) and the perceived organizational support was effective on the organizational indifferences (pc = 0.61).
Conclusion: Generally, the organizational indifference is a function of many variables, and hence, to reduce the organizational indifferences between the employees in the Physical Education departments in the Education Ministry, many variables must be considered. We can decrease the organizational indifferences between the employees in the Physical Education departments through a systematic perspective. In order to decrease the organizational indifferences, we must manage the organizational rumors, decrease the organizational discrimination, and increase the organizational support.


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