
Objective: The purpose of  the present research work was to study the relationship between the components silence and organizational indifference with organizational negligence of physical education teachers.
Methodology: This work was of a descriptive-correlation type. The statistical population included the physical education teachers in the Shahin-Dezh and Bokan cities with a volume of 142 people. The sampling method was simple random, and depending on the model Krejcie and Morgan sample size, 103 was considered. The data was collected by the organizational negligence questionnaire, Safari Nia and Amirkhani (2011), organizational silence, Boradas dimitris (2005), organizational indifference, and Danaifard and et al. (2010), and the data was analyzed using the descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The results obtained showed that the variables organizational silence and indifference were able to predict power organizational negligence with R2 = 29.1%; in this context, the share of the organizational indifference variable ( = 0.568) was significant at the 95% confidence level (P < 0.05) but the share of variable organizational silence ( = 0.153) was not significant (P > 0.05).
Conclusion: The variables organizational silence and indifference together explain and predict the variable of organizational negligence. In this case, only the share of the organizational indifference variable is significant, i.e. reducing the organizational indifference of teachers reduces their organizational negligence, and vice versa. It can be suggested that the efforts made to develop the staff abilities and eliminate their silence and organizational indifference should be considered as a serious priority in the policy-makers agenda and planners organizations to decrease  the employees’ negligence.


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