
Objective: The purpose of this work was to identify and pioritize the performance evaluation indices of football coaches and players of the Iranian national teams.
Methodology: This work was conducted in two parts using a mixed methodology. In addition to a systematic review using the 360-degree feedback technique, the evaluation resources were selected to identify the performance evaluation indices. The participants included the football coaches, athletes, university professors, retired athletes, referees, media persons, and fans. The sampling method of this work was purposive. In this work, in addition to identify the indices, they were prioritized by the experts using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The instrument used was an AHP questionnaire whose data was entered into the software for a pairwise comparison of the indices.
Results: The results obtained showed that the five categories of "technical features", "personality features", "moral and behavioral features", "psychological and communication features", and "managerial features" were the indices of the performance evaluation of the coaches in the Iranian national football teams. Also for a national football player, the performance evaluation indices included the three categories "technical features", "moral and behavioral features", and "personality features".
Conclusion: The results of this work introduced new indicators, compared with the previous works. It seems that the 360-degree feedback approach in selection of the evaluatoris capable of distinguishing the results obtained from those obtained in similar studies. In addition to the practical recommendations for each index, the researchers recommend to research about the football player performance evaluation.


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