
Objective: The workplace competitive climate has a major influence on the employees’ motivation and behavior, and sports organizations have a particular organizational climate whose dynamic could promote job satisfaction. In this work, we examine the effect of internal brand management on job satisfaction of the sports employees with emphasis on the mediator role of the workplace competitive climate.
Methodology: The research method was a descriptive-correlation one, and the survey was in terms of data collection. For this purpose, 120 employees of the Youth and Sports Administration of East Azarbaijan voluntarily filled out the Punjaisri and Wilson internal branding (2007), Wysocki and Kromm job satisfaction (1991), and researcher-made workplace competitive climate questionnaires. The structural equation modeling based on the partial least squares was used to analyze the data.
Results: The results obtained showed that the internal brand management had a significant direct effect on job satisfaction and workplace competitive climate. The findings proved the moderation role of workplace competitive climate in the relationship between internal brand management and job satisfaction (P = 0.001). According to the results of the model analysis, the modified model had a good fit (GOF = 0.362).
Conclusion: We can say that internal brand management leads to behavioral quality commitment and job satisfaction in the sports employees.  


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