
Objective: The global talent management can have a significant positive impact on the performance of organizations. Identifying the processes, platforms, and agents of global talent management can help improve the organizational performance. The purpose of this research work was to design a model of global talent management in sports organizations based on the human capital development.
Methodology: This work was carried out by a qualitative research with an exploratory-descriptive nature. Through a snowball targeted sampling and based on deep interviews, the research data was collected from the experts and managers. According to the grounded theory method, the data was analyzed after encoding.
Results: According to the results obtained, the environmental factors and strategic intelligence as the causative factors, the health of the work environment as the dominant platform, the organizational structure as the intermediary factor, the management discipline as the actions and interactions, and accountability and sense of belonging to the organization as well as the employee were portrayed as a consequence of the global talent management model.
Conclusion: Based on the proposed model, it is recommended that the various roles of the effective global talent management are considered to promote and develop this important system of measures.


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