
Objective: The purpose of this work was to analyze the moderating roles of organizational commitment and job satisfaction in impact of internal marketing on the turn-over intentions of the employees in Sports and Youth organizations in the North Khorasan Province.
Methodology: The methods used in this research work were descriptive-correlational and applied research. The statistical population consisted of 185 employees in the Sport and Youth organizations in the North Khorasan Province. Base on the Cochran sampling formula WAS, 124 and 130 questionnaires were distributed among the population. The supportive factor analysis was used to examine the validity of the distributed questionnaire, and the structural equation modeling using the LISREL software was utilized. Having categorized the indicators by the factor analysis, the structural relationships of the model were tested through structural equation modeling.
Results: The findings showed the internal marketing effect on the employees' attitudes in Sport and Youth organizations in the North Khorasan Province, and job satisfaction could facilitate the relation between internal marketing and turn-over intention. The results also showed the effect ofinternal marketing elements on the employees' attitudes but "human resource development" had the lowest effect on the employees' attitudes.
Conclusion: The results of this work indicate that job satisfaction moderates the relationship between internal marketing and turn-over intention. However, organizational commitment does not moderate the relationship between these two variables in the Sport and Youth departments in the North Khorasan Province. Finally, the Sport and Youth organization management can develop employees' saticfaction using a systematic approach, a training program, and a competency-based performance appraisal system.


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