
The purpose of this work is to investigate the effect of strategic thinking on the productivity of the employees of the Sports and Youth departments of the west of the country with the mediating role of organizational agility.
Sport is one of the most important and fundamental factors in ensuring the health and vitality of the society, in which the country's Sports and Youth departments play a significant role in promoting the people's participation. Take a break because today's organizations are under increasing pressure to find new ways to compete effectively in the dynamic global markets.
Methodology and Approach
The statistical population of the work consisted of all employees of the Sports and Youth departments of the west of the country, among which 356 responders were selected as the statistical sample by random-cluster shape sampling. The measurement tools used were the Sharifi & Zhang's (2000) organizational agility, Goldman's strategic thinking (2005), and manpower productivity of Sarmad et al. (2011) questioners. The descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data.
Results and Conclusions
The research findings showed that the strategic thinking (r = 0.52) and organizational agility (r = 0.428) had a positive and significant effect on the organizational productivity. Also strategic thinking had a positive and significant effect on the organizational agility (r = 0.836). In addition, it was determined that the strategic thinking had a positive and significant effect on the organizational productivity through the organizational agility (r = 0.358). Considering the results of this research work, the prospective, conceptual thinking, system thinking, and clever opportunism of employees along with speed, competence, flexibility, and accountability of the organization could lead the employees to improve their productivity, which should be considered by the managers of the Sports and Youth departments of the west of the country.


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