
The purpose of this research work is to study the talent management of the leading countries in the world. Among these countries, the German program is selected because of being successful and up-to-date. The method used in this research work is the Sandelowski and Barroso's (2007) 7-stage one. The process of data analysis consists of the 3 stages of open coding, concepts, and categories, and then the analysis of the talent development process in the German football. The talent process in the German football includes four stages. In order to make this program practical, it is required to close the cooperation between all the football organizations. A strategic plan is required to develop and follow based on the Iranian needs and facilities. The football federation will also work closely with the clubs, soccer committees, municipalities, education schools, government as a governing body, Ministry of Sport and Youth, and coaches. It is also necessary that the football federation closely cooperates with the clubs, football association, municipality, education schools, Government, Ministry of Sports and Youth, and coaches.
Talent identification (TID) and talent management during a long-term process are the essential concepts in this sports field. Thus today, in many countries, these new approaches are used for the talent identification of players, and a long-term perspective for the talented players has been defined, and the talent identification programs have been set out so that the talented people enter a program from their childhood and are present until they become professional players. Thus, due to the attractiveness of football and the high importance of TID and talent management, the subject of this research work was selected to present a model of the German football talent management program.
Methodology and Approach
The method of this research work was purposeful, and it was applied in terms of nature, qualitative, and cross-linked approaches made in 2 stages. The first was some various review documents from 2000 to 2018 using the library study method. The second was done with the Sandelowski and Barroso's qualitative approach meta-synthesis in 7 steps.
Results and Conclusions
The talent process in the German football includes four stages: essential development, talent development, elite development, and professional or championship football. The program focuses on the cooperation in the executive organization between the football association, football league, government, sports science universities, coordinators, professional clubs, regional amateur clubs, state and regional associations, education schools, national teams, committee academies, youth academies, IFX residential and international academies, DFB local bases, elite football schools, football camps, and professional players union.


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