
In the last decade, the most common form of sports business in the community has been provided by the recreational and sports clubs, which cover a wide variety of services in both the health and professional sports. However, despite the government support policies, only 10% of small businesses have been successful, and the main problems are marketing (40.2 %) and human resource management (15.3 %).
Entrepreneurship faces failure and decline regardless of the human motivating factors and establishment of efficient performance management systems. Reviewing the research works carried out to identify the barriers and failures of the country's sports businesses shows that creating a powerful bridge between the three categories of creative product, valuable resources, and product presentation strategies is one of the most important strategies for the business success. Therefore, the purpose of the present research work is modeling the entrepreneurial process in terms of a high-performance system: mediating role of job empowerment.
Methodology and Approach
The present work was an exploratory mix method study. The qualitative population consisted of 23 people of entrepreneurship professors, business owners, sports business launchers, and managers of owners of the private sport organizations in the Golestan province with snowball sampling, quantitative population consisting of 250 managers, owners, and human resources of sports clubs with a minimum of 5 years of work experience that were selected by a purposeful sampling. The research tools were the corrected version of the high-performance system management of Chin tasi (2007), Badger's (2017) empowerment questionnaire, and researcher-made questionnaire of sport entrepreneurship that was set to a 5-point Likert scale (1: very low to 5: very high). After confirmation of the contextual and visual validity of the questioner, the internal reliability was confirmed by the experts using the Cronbach's alpha method (α = 0.76). Finally, after insurance of good fit index of the model based on the Fornell and Larker triple indices, the data obtained was analyzed using the partial least squares technique (Smart PLS (and the SPSS software.
Results and Conclusions
The values for the coefficient of economic indicators and the comparative indicators showed that the research model had a good brush. Therefore, in the next step, the structural equation paths of the research work were examined. The results obtained from the factor analysis showed that the direct effects of the HRM system on sport entrepreneurship and staff empowerment were significant. Therefore, the club managers could by deploying high-performance systems in terms of job training, efficient feedback, and career development alongside with staff empowerment develop and improve new sports business opportunities.


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