
This work is carried out in order to identify the effective factors in cloud computing adoption among the staff of the Physical Education faculties in Tehran. For this purpose, 400 persons from the staff of the Physical Education faculties in Tehran are selected, and 278 valid questionnaires are used for the statistical analysis. The research tools are two questionnaires including the cloud computing adoption (12 components including 47 items) and adoption intention questionnaire (3 items) designed by the researchers. The path analysis test shows that 11 factors affect positively and the complexity negatively affects the intention to cloud computing adoption. Technology readiness also has the highest impact on the cloud computing adoption. The technology readiness, data security, and reduced complexity among the Physical Education faculties have been identified as the most important factors in the cloud computing adoption.
The purpose of this work is to identify the effective factors in cloud computing adoption among the staff of the Physical Education faculties in Tehran.
Methodology and Approach
In terms of purpose, this work was a kind of applied research, and in terms of data collection, it was descriptive-survey. For this purpose, the staff of the Physical Education faculties in Tehran (400 persons) were sampled, and 278 valid questionnaires were used for the statistical analysis. The research tools were two questionnaires including the cloud computing adoption (12 components including 47 items) and adoption intention questionnaire (3 items) designed by the researchers. The face validity of the instrument was confirmed by 12 faculty members in sport management, and the content validity was confirmed by the confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the instrument was assessed by Cronbach's alpha for the whole effective factors’ questionnaire (α = 0.921) and the adoption intention questionnaire (α = 0.769).
Results and Conclusions
The findings showed that the research instrument was well-suited to measure the effective factors in cloud computing adoption, and the path analysis test showed the effects of 12 factors on the intention to adopt cloud computing. 11 factors affected positively, and the complexity negatively affected the intention to cloud computing adoption. Technology readiness also had the highest impact on the cloud computing adoption. Based on the results obtained, 12 effective factors in cloud computing adoption were identified and evaluated among the Physical Education faculties in Tehran. Technology readiness, data security, and reduced complexity among the Physical Education faculties were identified as the most important factors in cloud computing adoption and could have a beneficial effect on a faster cloud computing adoption.


Main Subjects

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