
Commercialization is one of the key steps in the process of economic and social development of societies making research and inventions of the marketable products. Today, the universities, and within them, the competence of the faculty members play an important role in the economic development and commercialization of the research works. Competence of the faculty members is also an important factor in the student success. Therefore, the lack of skills and competencies required by the faculty members can affect their performance and that of the students. Therefore, this work is conducted in order to identify the competencies of the faculty members in the commercialization of the research works. In order to achieve these competencies, a qualitative approach (grounded theory approach-Glaser method) and 19 semi-structured interviews are used. The results obtained show that the core competencies of the faculty members include 74 concepts, 11 categories, and 5 dimensions. Using the findings of this work, the rate of return on investment in the academic research will increase, and as a result, the private sector will be attracted to investing in this area.
The faculty members are now one of the key elements in the universities and higher education institutions. The future development of the universities depends on the competencies of the faculty members. Therefore, the aim of this work was to design a model of core competencies of the faculty members in the commercialization of academic research in the field of sports.
Methodology and Approach
This work was a qualitative research work in the field of interpretive-constructive paradigm. In the present work, a semi-structured interview was used as a data collection tool. The statistical population of the work included the faculty members of the physical education colleges, academic entrepreneurs, academic inventors in the field of sports, and the faculty members who are members of the National Elite Foundation. The sampling was performed using the theoretical sampling and targeted judgment.
Results and Conclusions
The results obtained showed that the faculty members required communication, behavioral and technical personality, value, strategic, creative, professional, leadership, financial management, and market recognition competencies to commercialize. The higher education system of any society, in order to fulfill its mission, must have qualified and capable professors and human resources in order to be able to show an effective performance in the educational and research processes. To this end, paying attention to the competencies developed in this research work and creating the ground for attracting, developing, guiding, and promoting professors based on these competencies can be very effective and efficient.


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