
In this work, a concise and comprehensive summary of the English extended abstract is presented. It concisely describes the content, subject, objectives, scientific logic or method(s), and the most important findings and conclusions of the research work.
The growth of sports participation institutions such as athletes, spectators, volunteers, coaches, media, and companies has led to the growth of sports as a new industry. Therefore, one of the basic prerequisites for the development of sports is the growth of the participation of different stakeholders, and in fact, the type of participation of stakeholders in the sports industry determines the extent of its development. In this regard, a research review showed that a comprehensive understanding of the factors that determine it, especially the emerging factors, had not yet been provided. The purpose of this work was to design and explain a framework for the conceptual analysis of stakeholder participation in the sports industry in Iran.
Methodology and Approach
The research methodology was a systematic qualitative one. The sources of data collection consisted of two sections: information resources (scientific resources) and human resources (experts) related to the research subject. The studied sources in both sections were estimated sufficiently based on the theoretical saturation and sampled purposefully (24 subjects and 108 copies). The research tool was a transcript of a library study and an exploratory interviewed framework. The validity of the tool was first controlled on the basis of the scientific and legal validity of the individuals and documents, and then from the viewpoint of the experts used to examine the content and formality of the content. In addition, the coefficient of agreement between the scribes was calculated. In order to analyze the findings, the conceptual coding-based framework analysis and design methods were used.
Results and Conclusions
187 identified components were categorized into 5 levels, 9 landscapes, and 31 dimensions that included the level of environment and ecosystem (national and international environment), level of role and actors (elements and guidance), level of support and structure (processes and resources), level of engagement and participation (levels of sport and industry sectors), and level of outcomes and development (functions and sustainability). The general relationships between the variables in the model were plotted. Based on the framework, it can be said that development of the sports industry follows the principles of system management, and its key and strategic factors determine the strategic direction of development in the model so that the managers must base it on the planning, implementation, and evaluation.


Main Subjects

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