
The aim of this work is to present a model of predictors of job self-efficacy for sports science graduates. 360 people selected as the sample answered the questions of the 3 questionnaires of internal factors, external factors, and job-search self-efficacy. The results obtained show that the internal and external factors affect the job-search self-efficacy.
Employment challenges and the issue of unemployment are not only one of the most important social issues in the country today but also by considering the rate of population growth in the last two decades, it can be considered as the most important social challenge in the next few decades.The immediate consequences of this crisis are the spread of poverty and the increase in the other social and cultural harms, which naturally endanger the social stability and cohesion.
Methodology and Approach
The research method was descriptive-correlational and applied in terms of purpose. The sample consisted of 360 people, who were selected by the simple random sampling. The measurement tool was a three-item 28-item questionnaire of internal factors that included the components of self-esteem Chang et al. (2018), tolerance of ambiguity Hazn et al. (2012), control source Kesavayuth et al. (2018), and self-presentation Hart et al. (2017).Twelve questions in the questionnaire of the external factors of Gnyawali Fogel (1994) consisted of the four components of government policies and procedures, socioeconomic conditions, financial assistance, non-financial assistance, and a questionnaire was on the ten questions of job-search self-efficacy of Salehi (2005). The content validity was confirmed by sixteen professors of the sports management. Also, the values of reliability, divergent, and convergent validity of the questionnaires were estimated. The results obtained were analyzed using the structural equations.
Results and Conclusions
The results obtained showed that most of the subjects were women and had a master degree, and most of them were between 26 and 30 years old. Also, the value of the coefficient of determination of the self-efficacy structure was 0.755, which confirmed the suitability of the structural model. Also, the internal factors with an effect factor of 0.489 and the external factors with an effect factor of 0.417 had an effect on the self-efficacy and job search for the sports science graduates. The issue of employment of the university graduates, especially sports graduates, is an important issue that affects many aspects of their lives. Creating employment for people is influenced by many factors, each of which in its own way can be decisive. The achievements of this work for the country's sports authorities includes providing the most important factors of economic and social support and the need to develop policies tailored to the personality traits of individuals in order to employ more graduates of the sports science. Therefore, the main officials and trustees of the country's sports, especially the officials of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, can provide more support for self-employment projects and formulate more financial and supportive laws and regulations taking into account the existing conditions and providing the necessary areas. Low-interest loans and elimination of cumbersome laws can provide the ground for the employment of more and more sports science graduates.


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