
In this work, we aim to investigate the roles of ethical climate and perceived organizational politics in the employees' organizational trust and effective commitment in the Ministry of Sport and Youth. In this research work, the direct effects of the ethical organizational climate as well as their indirect effects on the employees' trust and effective commitment through perceptions of organizational politics are analyzed. The data is collected through the questionnaires consisting of the organizational ethical climate, effective commitment, organizational trust, and organizational politics. The research data is analyzed through the structural equation modeling. The findings show that the organizational ethical climate has a significant positive effect on the organizational trust and effective commitment, and it has a significant negative effect on the perception of the organizational politics. The findings also show that the perceived organizational politics have a negative and significant effect on the organizational trust and commitment. Also, the mediating role of the perceived organizational politics in the effects of the organizational ethical climate on the organizational trust and commitment is confirmed.
Ethical issues are among the challenges that the organizations face today, and are expected to fully adhere to the ethical principles. However, the organizations are political entities, and therefore, some of the organization's political behaviors may not comply with the ethical principles and adversely affect the employees' attitudes and behaviors. In this regard, addressing the effects of the ethical climate on the employees' attitudes along with explaing the role of the employees'perception of the organizational politics may be helpful in describing and managing the work attitudes among the employees.
Methodology and Approach
This work was an applied and descriptive-correlation survey. The statistical population consisted of all of the employees of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, and 257 employees were selected among them as the research sample for a convenient sampling. The data was collected through the questionnaires. The validity of the research tool was confirmed through the confirmatory factor analysis. Also, the reliability of the research questionnaires was confirmed using the Cronbach coefficients.
Results and Conclusions
The findings showed that the organizational ethical climate had significant positive effects on the organizational trust (β = 0.49) and effective commitment (β = 0.57), and had a significant negative effect on the perception of organizational politics (β = -0.66). The findings also showed a negative and significant effect of the perceived organizational politics on the organizational trust (β = -0.7) and commitment (β = -0.33). Finally, the mediating role of the perceived organizational politics was confirmed. The results obtained showed that a positive organizational ethical climate could reduce the negative effects of the organizational politics and increase the employees' trust and commitment.


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