
The present work was conducted in order to develop a succession model based on the grounded theory approach in the country's general departments of sports and youth. This study was a fundamental one in terms of its purpose and exploratory regarding the data collection by applying the grounded theory of Strauss and Corbin. The participants include the professors of sports management and managers of the country's general departments of sports and youth. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. The collected data were analyzed using an open, axial, and selective coding. Then the final model was is extracted. From a total of 201 conceptual codes and 26 categories, the paradigm model of the research work was developed based on the central phenomenon, causal conditions, necessary contexts, intervening variables, strategies, and consequences of succession. The results obtained indicate that the professional values ​​and organizational dynamism, by providing the structural, legal, and strategic contexts, could pave the way for the development of a succession system. In this regard, by evaluating the performance, knowledge enhancement, personal development plan, and job and employee tailoring, we can expect such things as a sustainable human resource development, increased employee commitment, and organizational productivity. By emphasizing on the personal and professional growth of the employees and formulating programs for the sustainable development of human resources, the establishment of a succession system will lead to success.
Due to the insufficient attention given to the human resource infrastructure in sports organizations, and also the poor planning for the establishment, maintenance, and development of a succession system, the present work was conducted in order to develop a succession model based on the grounded theory approach in the country's general departments of sports and youth.
Methodology and Approach
The present work was a fundamental one in terms of its purpose and exploratory regarding the data collection by applying the grounded theory of Strauss and Corbin. The participants included the professors of sports management and managers of the country's general departments of sports and youth. Accordingly, the purposive theoretical sampling with the snowball technique was employed in this work based on the theoretical saturation criterion. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. The collected data was analyzed using an open, axial, and selective coding; then the final model was extracted.
Results and Conclusions
From a total of 201 conceptual codes and 26 categories, the paradigm model of the research work was developed based on the central phenomenon (meritocracy and talent development), causal conditions (personal and professional requirements and values, and organizational intelligence and dynamism), necessary contexts (structural, legal and strategic communication and networking), intervening variables (lack of job security, large gap in existing and desirable competencies, inadequate structure of political power, late efficiency of succession process, poor management and inadequate communication culture, commitment and responsibility of managers and employees, and justice oriented), strategy (performance and capability assessment, educational and knowledge development, knowledge creation and educational development, codification of personal growth and development, matching jobs and employees and job development), and consequences of succession (restrictions on succession fall into 6 categories: lack of job security, large gap between existing and desirable competencies, inadequate structure of political power, late efficiency of the succession process, poor management, and inadequate communication culture and in contrast to the inhibitors,  the facilitator conditions were included, which included the commitment and responsibility of the managers and employees and justice oriented). In the presented pattern, the performance and capabilities assessment, educational and knowledge development, codification of personal growth and development, matching jobs and employees, and job development were identified as the mechanisms for establishing succession breeding. 


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