
The development and management of coach careers play an important role in the performance of athletes, and the development and success of the sports organizations. The purpose of this work was to provide a model to manage the career path of the Iranian sports coaches. Based on the proposed model, it can be stated that the role of the managers and sports organizations in the stability of the career path system of sports coaches is a must.
Currently, coaching is at its most dynamic in history. The career development of coaches and the management of their career path can play an important role in the performance of athletes, and the development and success of the sports organizations. Despite being new, studies have been conducted, and models for frameworks in various fields have been proposed. However, these models do not comprehensively study the career management of sports coaches, and each one of them covers only one of these areas. Therefore, the present work was designed as a model to manage the career path of the sports coaches.
Methodology and Approach
This research work is of qualitative type, which uses the method of data theory (grounded theory) and the approach of Glaser (1992). Sampling was done by the snowball method. The data collection sources included the scientific resources and in-depth interviews (with 20 researchers, resource management specialists, humanities, sports coaches and managers, and elite athletes). The validity was checked and confirmed by the interviewees, and then by the expert professors. 85% of the results obtained were obtained by calculating the reliability of the process retest. Data analysis was performed in the three stages of open, axial, and selective coding.
Results and Conclusion
In order to promote and advance the goals of sports organizations, the role of managers and the organization in the stability and stability of the career path system of sports coaches is essential, and can be used to develop and enhance the sports coaches and the managers' capabilities in increasing the organizational productivity. Therefore, the model was designed in order to develop the capabilities of coaches and their careers and related developments. The results of open and selective codes identified 119 concepts and 28 main categories. At the level of selective coding, four main categories were explained: strategic, managerial, knowledge, operational; and at each level, the task divisions were explained.


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