
In addition to the physical effects, the corona virus pandemic has psychological consequences that can affect various aspects of the job. Therefore, the present study was an analysis of the role of resilience and individual maturity in self-efficacy of the physical education teachers in the Covid_19 pandemics. In this way, by employing the capable and efficient physical education teachers, we can help the schools to provide the best educational services.
In the recent decades, the organizations have faced the dramatically changing and dynamic environments, and in order to survive, maintain, and enhance their dynamism, they must be prepared to adapt and manage the change. The increased disruption of the organizational processes by natural disasters, economic crises, and health threats increases the requirement for the organizations and their employees in order to pay attention to resilience. Meanwhile, the outbreak of a new corona virus called Covid_19 came as a shock to many organizations. The studies show that the mature organizations are more successful than their counterparts in implementing the transformational measures. Success in responding appropriately to the dynamic and unpredictable changes and conditions, and making the right decisions and maintaining the organizational and individual performance have been the concern of most organizations and scientific and educational centers in the recent decades.
Methodology and Approach
The research method was descriptive–correlation. The statistical population of the study included all the physical education teachers in the Khorasan-e-Razavi Province in all levels (primary and secondary) in the academic year 2020-2021, and  using the stratified sampling method, 550 teachers were selected as the research sample (260 females, 290 males). In order to analyze the conceptual model, the data collected through three questionnaires of teacher efficacy (Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk, 2001), individual maturity (Soltani and Bahraminejad, 2010), and resilience scale (Connor and Davidson, 2003) after obtaining the validity (face, content, and structure), and validations were collected. In order to calculate the reliability, Cronbach’s alpha was used, and to analyze the data, the structural equation modeling was used.
Results and Conclusion
The structural equation model showed that the overall indices of the structural model were in a good condition, and thus it was concluded that the resilience and maturity of the teachers had a positive and effective role on their self-efficacy in dire situations. In addition, the indirect effect of resilience on self-efficacy of the teachers was significant. Accordingly, what helps the managers and administrators in education to maintain the efficiency and ability of their teachers in unexpected events and crisis situations are the characteristics of resilience, personal maturity, self-efficacy, and looking to the future and reaction. It is positive towards the environment.


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