
In the last decade, known as the age of technology with the characteristics of uncertainty, complexity, and increasing technological changes, many organizations in order to access, develop, and use such a system to achieve their goals, have redoubled their efforts to create the organic and flexible structures to surpass their competitors. Therefore, the use and activation of information systems is currently considered as an important indicator of the growth and development of organizations.
In the information century, the move towards lasting success and excellence depends on having the capabilities that meet the specific requirements and expectations of the customers at all times. This improvement and moving forward requires a constructive interaction of creative man-power equipped with the infrastructure associated with the modern and advanced technology. The use and activation of the information systems is now considered as an important measure of the extent of organizations, growth, and progress. Therefore, the main purpose of this work was to investigate the impact of the management information system (TPS, MIS, DSS, ESS) on innovation (product and process).
Methodology and Approach
The present work was a descriptive research work that was conducted by the survey method. The studied population consisted of 130 operational management and employees of sport recreational collections of the Northern Provinces that were elected purposely. In order to collect the data, after confirmation of the internal reliability of the information system questionnaire (α = 0.71) and creativity questionnaire (α = 0.89) through Cronbach's alpha, the corrected version of Masa’deh (2013) information system management questionnaire and Al-Khawaldeh (2008) innovative technology-based creativity questionnaire were set as a five-point Likert scale (1: strongly agree to, 5: strongly disagree). After assuring the good fit index of the research pattern, the data was analyzed using the Liserl and SPSS softwares.
Result and Conclusion
After ensuring the sampling adequacy index and the Bartlett Sphericity test in order to ensure a good fit of the research model, the results of the structural equation path analysis showed that the information management system and executive information system were the main sub-scales of the information system predictors. Also the multiple regression test results confirmed that according to the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) and its significance, the information systems (R2 = 0.68, sig ≤ 0.05) was a powerful predictor of the technology-based creativity. The managers of recreational sports complexes through the deployment of information technology and the application of innovative processes that lead to diversified and innovative services create special competitive advantage create a superior position in the competition market.


Main Subjects

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