
Each organization consists of various components that are in action and reaction with each other, and the performance of the organization is between them. Hence, the management is complex and difficult in such a system. The framework and modeling of the organization's system help us achieve a better understanding of its integrity by simplifying the system (1). The framework of the organizational issues increases the chances of finding the correct and logical responses to solve them, and understanding its basic mechanisms is easier (2). An overview of the Internal Sport Management Research in the country shows that the performance management and human resource management system in the country's sports organizations have limited analytical frameworks, and requires acceptable models for understanding the organization's performance and its environmental feedback on it. The behavior of the organization applies. Along with the challenges and developments in the country's sports environment, the executive and governmental organizations of the country are also faced with new challenges and requirements, with an additional pressure on their managers. The new challenges and requirements are described with new concepts (3). This work focuses on the issue of low performance of the sports and youth departments and its analysis through new components in order to provide solutions to improve it. Therefore, four specialized categories-which have a high capability in predicting and guiding the performance system of the sports and youth departments in today's environmental conditions-are examined and included; system transparency is the use of experience, positive synergy, and performance.
A review of research works has shown that the four variables of organizational transparency, organizational ambiguity, human capital enhancement, and documentation of experiences in the country's sports organizations have not been described and correlated so far. However, the discussed variables play a key role in the performance of sports organizations in the today's environment, and based on the fact that in the previous research works, none of these variables have been studied in domestic sports management studies. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the country's sports management researchers, and provide sufficient information to the managers. The aim of this research work was to investigate the effect of organizational transparency on the organizational ambidexterity with the mediating role of human capital synergy and of documentation experiences in the Tehran sports and youth administrations.
The necessity of research is explained in several aspects: first, these concepts have not been studied in the sports organizations in the country, while their desirability in these organizations is very necessary. Along with these vacuums mentioned in the domestic research works, despite the knowledge produced in the foreign investigations, this information alone is not effective for the analysis and management of the structural-functional aspects in the sports organizations of the country, and is a necessary indigenous and specialized research in completing and applying them. In this regard, the sports and youth agencies in the Tehran province are one of the largest sports organizations in the country, based on the importance of urban sports services, requiring an efficient and consistent management system for the modern conditions.
Methodology and Approach
The present work was descriptive-correlational in terms of the applied purpose in terms of the field data collection method. The statistical population consisted of all the employees of the sports and youth departments in the Tehran province. For sampling, all departments were considered as a comprehensive organizational system. A sufficient number of statistical samples were selected to test the model in the Smart Payals software. The basis for determining the sample based on 10 to 20 times the number of questions related to the main variables has the highest number of questions in the model (Davari and Rezazadeh, 2016). Therefore, the basis for the organizational transparency variable (12 questions) was 15 times, and the number of samples was estimated to be 180 (12 * 15 = 180). The statistical sampling was done by the random sampling method among the youth sports departments of the Tehran province (General Administration of Provinces and Cities). Out of 200 distributed questionnaires (in person, social media, and e-mail), 179 questionnaires were received, of which 172 questionnaires were fully answered and analyzed. The personal characteristics of the respondents included: mean age, 34.36; related work experience, 12.84; gender ratio, 42% female and 58% male; education ratio, 0.35 bachelor, 0.41 master, and 0.14 doctorate. The research tool was a questionnaire containing 40 questions for four variables (and 9 dimensions) on a 5-point Likert scale. For the research validation, using the content validity method (11 experts), and reliability (Cronbach's alpha), the construct validity (model fitting) was evaluated and verified.
Results and Conclusion
In the factor analysis of the dimensions of variables, the three components including the transparency of activities (0.89), transparency of laws (0.82), and transparency of resources (0.80) had a significant role in explaining the organizational transparency, respectively. The employees’ experiences (0.90) and managers' experiences (0.86) also explain the documentation of experiences in a significant way, respectively. The effectiveness of performance (0.93) and the culture of teamwork (0.89) also had a significant role in explaining the synergistic variable of the employees, respectively. The components of exploitation (0.94) and exploration (0.93) had a more significant role in explaining the organizational duality, respectively. The direct relationship path analysis showed that organizational transparency with coefficients of 0.71, 0.46, and 0.72, respectively, had a significant effect on the documenting experiences, employee synergy, and organizational ambiguity. Documentation of experiences with coefficients of 0.43 and 0.46, respectively, had a significant effect on the staff synergy and ambiguity. The employee synergy with a coefficient of 0.35 had a direct and significant effect on the organizational ambiguity. The sub-test for indirect relationships showed that the indirect effect of organizational transparency on the organizational ambiguity was significant through both mediation of experience documentation (0.43) and employee synergy (0.36). Based on the results obtained, the mediating effect of documenting experiences was greater than that of staff synergy. The direct effect of organizational transparency on the organizational ambidexterity was more than the indirect effect. Therefore, e-readiness, although having a significant effect on the organizational ambiguity, is enhanced by the intervention of two mediating variables. Thus the application of organizational transparency of the youth and sports departments can lead to a higher performance when integrated with the HRM system.


Main Subjects

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