
Considering the importance of talent identification in the championship sports, and the key role of the environment in this process, the present work examines the talent development environment in football with the Athlete Talent Development Environment (ATDE) model approach. The method was descriptive-survey, applied and field in terms of type, purpose, and method, respectively, which were analyzed using the SPSS20 and Smart PLS3 software. According to the findings, the talent development stage was the most important stage of this process, which required a lot of coordination between all its dimensions in order to develop the talent identification process.
Many sports science research works in the field of anthropometric, physiological, motor behavior, and psychological dimensions have been done in different sports, and different models have been introduced with the above scientific approaches. However, the success of these models depends on the environment in which the talent development takes place (1). Therefore, it is necessary to examine this issue with the approach of human resource management (2). In this research work, using the dimensions of the ATDE model, the talent identification process was investigated in the three stages of talent emergence, growth, and support, respectively.
Methodology and Approach
This research work was descriptive-survey in terms of type, method, and purpose. It was field and practical. The statistical population was all experts in the first division of the national football league, provincial leagues and grassroots teams (with at least 5 years of experience), and the sampling method according to the corona pandemic quarantine was unlikely and purposeful. The statistical sample was determined based on the first rule of Barclay et al.'s (1996) method with 10 times the family dimension indices that had the highest index among the dimensions of the measurement model, equal to at least 100 people (3). The research instrument was adjusted using the main dimensions of the model of Henriksen et al. (2010) and Goharrostami et al. (2017) with 13 dimensions and 66 items, according to the Likert value range (1, 4). The structural validity was confirmed by the heuristic and confirmatory factor analysis, face validity by 16 experts, and reliability by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 0.75). Considering the probability of loss, 235 questionnaires were distributed, and after collection, 200 complete questionnaires were analyzed. The exploratory factor analysis was used in the SPSS20 software in order to determine the dimensions. Due to the results of skewness and elongation test based on abnormal distribution and also a relatively small number of samples, in order to check the validity of the structure and dimension analysis, the method of confirmatory factor analysis was used in Smart PLS3.
Results and Conclusion
The results obtained showed that the talent growth factor (3.78), talent emergence (3.57), and talent support (3.34) had the highest priority, respectively. Also the results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that in the talent growth factor, the dimension of coaches (0.94) based on the factor of talent emergence, the family dimension (0.91) and in the factor of talent support, the dimension of experts (0.92) had the greatest impact in explaining the development of the football talents. Given the priority of the growth phase in the talent environment, it can be said that in order to provide the necessary conditions for the development of the football talents, the club should focus more on the talent growth factor more than the emergence and support of football sports talent. Many factors such as the facilities, training and coaching, coaching style, camps, and logistics competitions are involved at this stage and the talent development environment as the main and complementary stage in the talent search process, regardless of the strong need for economic resources and management factors, requires attention, and it is more precise planning. In addition, the impact of important dimensions such as family, coaches, and professionals at each stage of talent development planning indicates the high need for parent-club interaction and experts in the development of the most important human capital.


Main Subjects

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