
The purpose of this work was to determine the effect of kinship on the organizational performance with the mediating role of human resource management in the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The present work was a descriptive survey based on the structural equation modeling. The results of the Pearson correlation test showed that there was a highly positive and significant correlation between all the variables. Also, the results of the structural equation analysis showed that all the proposed research paths had a significant effect. Therefore, by preventing nepotism and partisanship, the conditions could be created to attract the committed employees.
The importance of human resource management in an organization is because it has different tasks. If the human resource management performs its duties properly, it can be considered as a competitive advantage for the organization. Therefore, it can be said that understanding the components of kinship in the field of human resource management encourages the managers and officials to become more familiar with this phenomenon in order to improve the organizational performance of their employees. Therefore, the main purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of kinship on the organizational performance with the mediating role of human resource management.
Methodology and Approach
The present work was a descriptive survey based on the structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present work included all the managers and employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth in 1399. Due to the limited statistical population and the possibility of non-response due to busy work, the statistical sample was determined using the Morgan table of 300 people, who were randomly selected and distributed among all those who were satisfied to complete the questionnaires. Finally, 263 correct questionnaires were obtained and selected as a statistical sample. The tools used in this work included three standard questionnaires: the kinship questionnaire, the organizational performance questionnaire, and the human resource management questionnaire. The face and content validity was confirmed by the sports management professors, and the reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha with 0.93.
Result and Conclusion
The results of the Pearson correlation test showed that there was a highly positive and significant correlation between all the variables. Also, the results of the structural equation analysis showed that all the proposed research paths had a significant effect, among which, kinship on the human resource management with an impact factor of 0.34, kinship on the organizational performance of 0.41, and human resource management on the organizational performance of 0.53 was effective. Based on the findings of the present work, it can be concluded that the managers can prevent the kinship and partisanship to attract the employees in an organization, increase the conditions for organizational commitment, increase the employee confidence, improve the organizational culture, and provide the growth of the organization. Finally, it is recommended to try to balance the needs and desires of the relatives to avoid falling into the trap of relationshipism in order to avoid reducing the creativity and innovation of the employees and managers, considering the negative consequences that kinship has for the organization and society.


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