
Objective: The aim of the current research work is to identify the effective factors on the empowerment of judo coaches and referees, focusing on the standardization uniformity of education.
Methodology: This research work is based on approach is qualitative, and in terms of strategy is a phenomenological research work. The research work is applied one with a developmental-exploratory nature. The statistical population in the qualitative phase of the research was experts and specialists in the field of sports management and experts in the field of judo, 20 people were considered as a statistical sample of the qualitative part by purposeful sampling method. The data collection method was in the form of in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The reliability of the interviews in the qualitative part of the research was confirmed using test-retest reliability.
Results: The results of the research work showed that in the section of factors affecting empowerment with a focus on the standardization of training in Iran's judo coaches and referees, a total of 120 primary propositions were extracted from a total of 20 interviews, and finally 85 primary propositions with a frequency of 503 were used as indicators and effective codes on the empowerment of Iran's judo coaches and referees focusing on the standardization training. Among these, 3 main categories (integrated human resources, standard organizational activities, educational functions and duties) and 7 sub-categories of 17 concepts were categorized as concepts and categories effective on the empowerment of Iran's judo coaches and referees in the form of more abstract codes.
Conclusion: The Education Committee of the Judo Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in turn, should play a key and important role in the empowerment programs of trainers and instructors of this sport by improving the status of standard organizational activities and educational functions and duties.


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