
1 daneshgah jahrom

2 Assistant Professor at Jahrom University

3 Faculty member


Objective: Today, the presence of volunteers in sports has brought countless cultural and economic benefits to this sector; therefore, the purpose of this research work was to investigate the relationship between nostalgia and mental well-being with social belonging in the presence of most volunteers in sports events.
Methodology: This research work was of a descriptive-correlation type. The statistical population of the present study included all volunteers in sports events; 312 people were randomly selected as a sample. Research tools included nostalgia questionnaires, social belonging questionnaires, and mental well-being questionnaires. The face validity of the questionnaires and the convergent and divergent validity of the questionnaires were also checked and confirmed by the professors. Also the reliability of the questionnaires was calculated and confirmed using Cronbach's alpha test and composite reliability. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between nostalgia and social belonging, nostalgia, and mental well-being, and social belonging and mental well-being. Also the results showed that social belonging is significant as a mediator in the relationship between nostalgia and mental well-being.
Conclusion: According to the results of the research work that showed a significant relationship between nostalgia and mental well-being, it is suggested that managers of sporting events design the working environment of volunteers optimally, to be able to form a sense of nostalgia in the volunteers and make voluntary management methods fruitful based on their psychological needs.


Main Subjects

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