
Objective: The purpose of this research is to present a model of crisis management in sports complexes of Tehran municipality with emphasis on human resources.
Methodology: A qualitative research method with Glazer’s approach was used. The participants included professors, municipal sports managers, and sports complex managers. Sampling was conducted through employing a judgement method with a sufficient number of participants so as to ensure reaching theoretical saturation (20 people). Research tools included systematic library study and structured exploratory interviews. The validity of the tool was evaluated and confirmed based on the legal and scientific validity of the sample, expert opinion and agreement between the correctors. In order to analyze the findings, the multi-stage conceptual coding method with the Glaser approach was used.
Results: There are three main categories in order to develop a crisis management model in sports complexes of Tehran municipality with an emphasis on human resources. The central code before the crisis, which has the categories of human resource empowerment, coordination and planning. The core code during the crisis, which has management, psychological and communication categories, and the core code after the crisis, which includes evaluation, correction and feedback.
Conclusion: Paying attention to the created model can create the process of planning and responding to the crisis of sports complexes of Tehran municipality and provide a platform for the use of all human capacities.


Main Subjects

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