
Urmia University


Objective: The current research aimed to explore the components of sports marketing capabilities of Iraqi football human resources.
Methodology: This research was conducted with an exploratory nature to expand the existing knowledge and understanding of human resources marketing and earning capabilities. A qualitative research method was used. The statistical population of the research was the managing directors and marketers of the clubs, members of the marketing committee of the football federation, university professors, and doctoral students of sports marketing in Iraq. In this research, the within-subject agreement method was used to calculate the reliability of the conducted interviews. The results showed that the total number of codes in these three interviews is 19, and the number of agreements is 7. Moreover, the agreement coefficient was 0.73.
Results: Based on the model derived from the qualitative data, the findings showed 76 open codes, 11 core codes, and three selective codes (capabilities of athletes and coaches, capabilities of managers and employees, capabilities of supporters and fans) in the capabilities field. The human resources marketing of the Iraqi Football Federation was identified.
Conclusion: By having supporters and fans with high commitment and interest, it is possible to improve the sports marketing of the Iraqi football workforce and help the growth and development of this field. It is suggested that the Iraqi Football Federation, according to the model identified in the current research, conduct marketing through the capabilities identified in this research.


Main Subjects

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