1 Assistant professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 Assistant professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Objective: Deviant behaviors of employees such as bullying at workplace have many negative consequences for employees, groups and organizations; therefore, the purpose of present study was to investigate role of servant leadership and resonant leadership to reduce employees' perceived bullying, considering effect of organizational compassion and employees' social cynicism beliefs in General Directorate of Sports and Youth of Yazd Province.
Methodology: The current research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection. Statistical population of present study was all employees of General Directorate of Sports and Youth of Yazd Province (150 people), sample size of which was 110 people, who were selected by simple random method. Data collection tools were standard questionnaires including servant leadership and social cynicism beliefs of Ahmad et al. (2022); resonant leadership of Ali and Kashif (2020); organizational compassion of Koon (2022); employees' perceived bullying of Lu et al. (2022). Factor load, convergent and divergent validity indices were used to measure the validity, and the reliability of the research instrument was also evaluated using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability methods. Analysis method used, structural equation modeling technique.
Results: The findings of research showed that organizational compassion had a mediating role in impact of servant leadership on bullying at workplace, and organizational compassion had a mediating role in impact of resonant leadership on bullying at workplace, but social cynicism beliefs of employees did not have a moderating role in the impact of organizational compassion on bullying at workplace.
Conclusion: According to the results of research, it is possible to reduce consequences of bullying at workplace with approach of positive business ethics such as servant leadership style, resonant leadership style and organizational compassion.
- Servant Leadership
- Resonant Leadership
- Deviant Behaviors
- Employees' Social Cynicism Beliefs
- Positive Business Ethics
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