
The present work investigates the effect of transformational leadership on the employee performance of the physical education teachers with the mediating role of identity, work engagement, and adjustment of playful personality. 208 physical education teachers completed the questionnaires. The structural equations method was used to analyze the data. The results obtained showed that the transformational leadership impacted performance, work engagement, and organizational identity. Work engagement and organizational identity also affected the employee performance, and a pro-active personality did not have a moderating role. Moreover, only work engagement played a mediating role. Therefore, the results of this work contribute to the literature in this field.
In the today's world, the organisations' most critical assets are human resources, and organizations will not be able to achieve their desired goals without them (1). Since the progress and development of each country depends on its education organization, evaluating the teachers' performance in schools to improve the quality of education, and ultimately, comprehensive development of the country is necessary (2). Hence, the researchers try to answer whether it is necessary to improve the quality of education, and ultimately, the country's comprehensive development. Transformational leadership with the mediating role of identity and work engagement and pro-active personality modulator impacts the employee performance of physical education teachers.
Methodology and Approach
The present work was applied in terms of purpose, and was correlational regarding the relationship between the variables. In order to conduct this research work, transformational leadership questionnaires (7 items), organizational identity (4 items), pro-active personality (3 items), and employee performance (3 items), the Buil et al. (2019) (3) and work engagement variable, 9-item Rabiul and Yean (2021) questionnaire (4) were used. The questionnaires were arranged on a 5-degree Likert scale (-1, strongly disagree to -5, strongly agree). The sports management specialists were used to assess the validity of the questionnaire. Besides, the reliability of the questionnaire was obtained in a pilot study (n. 30) using the Cronbach's alpha correlation coefficient, and given that the alpha coefficient of all variables was higher than 0.7, the reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed. The statistical population of this work included all the physical education teachers of the province of Kohkilooyeh and Boyer Ahmad. The study's sample size was determined to be 230 people based on the method of the structural equation based on the number of items in the questionnaires, and the available sampling method was used in order to collect the data. Link of the questionnaires in the communication channels of sports teachers. The researchers were also sent separately to the IDs of physical education teachers. Then after completing the questionnaires by the physical education teachers, the anonymous data and questionnaires that were not finished correctly were deleted, and an analysis was performed on 208 questionnaires. In order to describe the data, the descriptive statistics and the SPSS software and the structural equations modeling, and the PLS software were used for the inferential analysis of data.
Result and Conclusion
The results of descriptive analysis showed that the largest sample size belonged to men, 115 (55.3%). Most of the married samples were 166 (79.8%). In order to measure the fitness of the measurement model, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and reliability were used. Path coefficient and significance were used to measure the structural model. This work showed that transformational leadership positively, and significantly affected the employee performance, work engagement, and organizational identity. Lowe et al. (1996) state in their research work that transformational leadership with special treatment of employees, while encouraging employees encourages and supports them and affects their performance (5). Also Mubarak et al. (2021) showed significant transformational leadership in work engagement (6). The results showed that work engagement and organizational identity positively and significantly affected the employee performance. The results show a positive effect of proactive personality on work engagement and organizational identity. In addition, these results showed that the proactive personality variable did not have a moderating role in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational identity and work engagement, and did not strengthen or weaken the relationship between these two variables. However, these results are contrary to the results of the research work. Buil et al. (2019) were (3) but one of the reasons for the lack of consistency between the results of these two studies is the difference between the statistical populations of the research. The results showed that organizational identity did not mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance. However, work engagement had a mediating role in the relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance, and could strengthen or weaken the relationship between these two variables. Considering the results and the impact of transformational leadership on the employee performance, work engagement and organizational identity as well as the mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between transformational leadership and employees' performance. It is suggested that the school administrators use a transformational leadership style to strengthen work performance and work engagement as well as the sense of identity of physical education teachers. Using a transformational leadership style creates a more intimate environment in the organization, and will lead to more effective communication between the managers and employees. This will eventually lead to a sense of identity, positive employee performance, and work engagement in employees, and will pave the way to achieving the organization's goals.


Main Subjects

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