
1 PhD student in the field of sports management, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch

2 Department of Sport management, faculty of Sport sciences, University of Isfahan



Objective: The objective of this research was to design a needs assessment model for physical education teachers.

Methodology: The research method used in this study was qualitative (content analysis and theme analysis) and applied. The research consisted of two parts: analysis of key transformative documents (national curriculum and fundamental transformation document of education) and interviews with experts and specialists in the field of physical education, measurement and evaluation, and education, experts and managers, and physical education teachers. The selection of the sample in the analysis of the content of transformational documents was purposeful and in the experts' section, it was non-random. The research tool was semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed using coding techniques with MAXQDA 20 software. The validity and reliability of the research were ensured through harmonization, including multiple methods (content analysis of documents and interviews), multiple sources (professors, managers, experts, teachers, etc.), and multiple coders (two coders).

Reslts: In total 8 Global themes, 29 organized themes, and 114 Basic themes were identified. Pedagogical knowledge of physical education, technological knowledge, structural knowledge, research knowledge, specialized knowledge, professional knowledge, and transformative documents are among the most important subjects that should be considered in the training of physical education teachers.

Conclusion: It is suggested to the trustees of the Ministry of Education to change the educational goals and topics of physical education teachers based on the needs identified in this research. It is also suggested that Farhangian University should revise the curriculum headings of "Physical Education Secretary" based on these needs.


Main Subjects