1 Unfortunately Of Mazandaran
2 Assistant Professor of Sport Science Departmen,Human and Social Sciences Faculty, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran
3 Student of Mashhad Azad University
Purpose: This study was conducted with the aim of designing a postmodern career path model in sports organizations.
Methodology:The research employed a qualitative methodology with a thematic analysis approach. Participants included professors of sports management, managers, and experts from sports organizations. The criteria for inclusion in the study comprised sufficient experience in sports management, familiarity with human resource training topics, relevant research or practical experience in sports organizations, and the ability to understand and analyze issues related to the development of career paths in sports organizations. Additionally, participants were required to be actively engaged in educational processes or human resource management to effectively contribute to the analysis of the research topic.These criteria ensure that the selected individuals possess adequate mastery over the research issue and can provide specialized and practical insights during interviews. Based on the theoretical saturation criterion and utilizing purposive sampling, a total of14interviews were conducted.The primary research tool was semi-structured exploratory interviews.
Findings:The analysis of the research findings regarding the design of a postmodern career path model in sports organizations revealed that multiple factors influence the development of this model. These factors include networking and internships, specialized skills, autonomy in job design, technology integration, job flexibility, continuous professional development, utilization of personal experiences, alignment of individual characteristics with job features, and sustainable growth of career paths.
Discussion and Conclusion: Sports organizations should focus on empowering employees through continuous learning and enhancing professional connections by fostering a flexible culture and supporting innovation to ensure strategic growth and sustainability.
Main Subjects