
The purpose of this work is to analyze the performance of the Iranian convey in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics, and the qualitative research method is the community officials, coaches, and athletes. The validity and reliability are confirmed. The performance of the Federation and National Paralympic Committee, technical staff, athletes, society, and organizations are analyzed. The performance of the national committee and the federation is good in terms of management. The most important problems are the jobs of the athletes. The performance of the technical staff and athletes is positive, and the performance of the community shows the high capacity and support of the community.
It is important to pay attention to sports for disabled people because of their physical and mental importance. The Paralympics is the biggest sporting event for the disabled (1, 2, 3). The good results of the Iranian convoy in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics, and the importance of dealing with disabled sports show the necessity of a managerial analysis of the performance of the Iranian convoy in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics. Considering the necessity of analyzing the performance of Iran's convoy, the research gap, less attention to disabled sports, and the priority of implementation time, the current research work aims to analyze the performance of Iran's convoy in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic event.
Methodology and Approach
The research method was qualitative and based on the grounded theory, which was done with the aim of identifying the evaluation indicators and analyzing the performance of the Iranian convoy in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic event. Data analysis was done according to the Glazer (1992) method. The semi-structured interview was used to collect the data. Three stages of open coding, central coding, and selective coding were performed on the interviews. The participants of the research work were the officials of the federations, professional coaches, and professional athletes participating in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics. The sampling method was purposeful, and the people who were somehow involved in the performance of Iran's convoy in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics were used, and the sampling continued until theoretical saturation, and finally, 21 interviews were conducted. To check the validity and reliability in the qualitative research, criteria of validity, transferability, reliability and verifiability were used (4). To determine the validity, the text of the interviews and the coding method were sent to several participants, and their comments were included. Transferability indicates the transferability of findings to other groups and similar environments, which was obtained through documentation of all stages of the research work for the use of other researchers, demographic report, sample experience report, and research environment report. In order to determine the reliability, the intra-subject agreement method of two coders was used. Two coders, experts in sports management and familiar with the coding method, coded the interviews. In this way, three interviews were randomly selected, and two coders coded these three interviews, and the percentage of agreement between the two coders was 82.3%. Considering that this rate is above 60%, the reliability of the research work was confirmed (5).
Results and Conclusion
After step-by-step coding according to the Glazer's method, 17 sub-categories and 4 main categories were analyzed. The first main category raises the performance of federations and the National Paralympic Committee, which includes eight sub-categories of planning, goal setting, management, facilities and equipment, support, incentives, rewards and rights, cultural development and problems of federations and the National Paralympic Committee, and a total of 47 analyzes that include proper planning by Federation, setting targets after each Paralympics for the next Paralympics, setting targets to maintain Iran's rank in medal collection, fixing the problems of the previous Paralympics, setting the criteria for the quorum of the last three periods for the participation of athletes in the competitions, the good performance of all federations, providing suitable facilities and equipment for athletes, holding appropriate and quality training camps before the start of the Paralympic Games, supporting the National Paralympic Committee for athletes, setting salary levels for Paralympic athletes as a living allowance, strengthening the cultural part of the caravan, not assigning jobs to Paralympic athletes, etc .The second main category raises the performance of the technical staff, which includes three sub-categories of coaches' activities, activities of psychologists and team medical staff, and technical staff problems, and a total of 10 analyzes that include the use of athletic, managerial and trained technical staff, the presence of psychologists and medical staff in the convoy, wrong choices of some He is one of the coaches of record disciplines in the competition field, etc. The third main category raises the performance of athletes, which includes three sub-categories of athletes' characteristics, women's successes and athletes' problems, and a total of 21 analyzes that include the efforts and efforts of Paralympic athletes, the record breaking of some athletes in the Paralympics, the efforts of women in Paralympic competitions, the problem of employment and not having a job Paralympic athletes, non-allocation of health insurance to para-athletes, etc. The fourth main category raises the performance of society and organizations, which includes three sub-categories of capacities, community support and organization support, and a total of 12 analyzes including the high capacity of sports in the country, people's support for Paralympic athletes, families' support for athletes, support and cooperation of the Ministry of Sports and, etc. In general, it could be concluded that proper management planning was done in the performance of the National Paralympic Committee and Federations. Also there were good facilities and equipment compared to the previous competitions. In terms of incentives, financial and spiritual incentives were given to the athletes. Among the most important of these problems was the lack of jobs and sources of income for para-athletes. In the personnel department, an acceptable performance was observed. In the performance section of the athletes, it was seen that the motivated para-athletes put in maximum effort, and showed good performance. In the performance of society and organizations, it was shown that the sports capacity of the country in the Paralympic section was high, and the support of the society has increased.


Main Subjects


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